Disrespect and inconsideration are causing frustration levels to build to the point of exploding.
A friendly co-worker won't stop talking incessantly, making you late for your meeting.
You just got more work dumped on you, yet you have a vacation day scheduled tomorrow.
Your boss is giving you a bad review even though you are doing great at your job.
Your significant other is not giving you the attention you want.
Your anxiety is sky high because somebody keeps changing the plans.
Ahhhhh! It's just toooo much!!!
Well, my strong friend, you are in luck! I have a technique I have been using for decades to calm even the most disgruntled groups.
When applied, you will be able to defuse any type of situation, even
I've included two downloadable tools that will help you objectively see the dynamics and mindsets of each involved party and create the result you want. Check out the download section below.
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