Hi, I'm Gretchen. I have something important to share with you...
Don't let self doubt and your nervous system get the best of you. You can do this.

Would you like to:
➔ Easily connect with Strangers?
➔ Enjoy conversations with them?
➔ Effortlessly create consults?
If you answered YES, then you're in the right place. I created a unique approach that's very effective and uses something you already have.

For Entrepreneurs who want to become the most in demand provider of products & services by creating emotional connection with potential clients.
Perfect for coaches, healers and educators.
How can you talk to strangers and create consults, when you've bombed so many times in the past and now you're sick to your stomach to try again?
It's actually a lot easier than you think - you were just missing a few pieces of information and a repeatable process that uses your own stories. You know that closet full of self coaching journals and failed experiments? It's time to pull those out, dust them off and repurpose them. (Never wrote that stuff down? Don't worry, I've got you covered there too.)

Customer Psychology
The important missing piece of knowledge - the 5 phase Customer Journey the marketing industry uses every time. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. It's time to use it to your advantage!

Confidently Prepared
Routines vanquish anxiety everytime. Choose easy. Step into your confident self with a library of ready to share stories, inspired by your self coaching models and past experiments, that work everytime. Inside, you have all the templates you need.

Enjoyable Conversations
Natural, relationship building conversations beat sales pitches any day! Sharing stories is interesting and engaging. Only, your stories will follow an intential process that plants seeds.

Perfect Timing
Just like the best comedy routines, it all comes down to timing. Your success rate skyrockets with ready, willing and able client assessments. Blend psychology and abundant mindset to work in your favor.

Get in the Arena
Results don't happen by watching a course. You have to DO stuff. Short modules are combined with mini challenges and a 30 Day Client Connection Challenge. You learn the skills and get real time results.

You wouldn't be an entrepreneur if you weren't driven. But even the best marathon athletes benefit from a cheering section at each milestone. Accountabiity steps create your best support system.

Christina W. - Agriculture Leadership Coach
This course is amazing. I haven't even finished yet and I don't think I will ever look at potential clients the same.
Want to know why most of the approaches you've probably already tried DIDN'T work?
Previous approaches didn't work because:
➔"Winging" the conversation left you at a loss for words, triggering your Imposter Syndrome which caused you to give up and walk away.
➔ Presenting Products/Services first was off putting - you felt salesy because you didn't know if they needed & wanted what you had.
➔ Showing up as a polished expert intimidated people and you both questioned your credibility.
➔ You gave up and used purchased sales scripts but they made you sound fake and untrustworthy.
The Connection Factor gets amazing results because:
➔ It's a natural conversation that follows an intential routine that pulls stories prepared ahead of time
➔ Presents offers at the RIGHT TIME to the RIGHT PERSON, by walking side by side during their Customer Journey
➔ Establishes instant know, like and trust by being Courageously Vulnerable sharing your journey
➔ You'll always know the right thing to say, because they are your authentic experiences that connect perfectly with the people that need them the most.
The Connection Factor Will Work for You
Think about it. How much self growth did you go through to get to where you are now? How many mindset shifts did it take? How many failed experiments? Tons, I'm sure. You never gave up. You successfully made it to where you are now because of all of that work. You're an inspiration! I know...your inner critic is going to try to tell you otherwise. But seriously! Look at how far you've come!
When you open up, others will see what's possible. They'll be inspired. They'll know YOU are the one qualified to help them.
What about these 3 common myths that
keep you from talking to a stranger

They won't want to talk with me
After the isolation of the pandemic, the majority of people are craving human connection, especially in person. They will be grateful that you went first by starting the conversation.

I won't know what to say
The truth is...you won't know which Self Coaching Model or Experiment to share YET. Luckily, the first part of this technique is listening to them. They will give you the answer. Then you'll know exactly what to say.

It will be painfully akward to offer a consult
Actually, in most cases, they'll be asking how they can work with you. You see, through The Connection Factor technique, you will have planted seeds throughout the conversation. They'll feel so much hope and optimism, the most nurturing thing you can do is show them the next step in their journey.
Imagine what it will feel like to:
- Walk into any room, strike up a conversation and create a consult out of thin air.
- Be filled with excitement and opportunity to discover who the universe has aligned to cross paths with you today.
- Invest your time enjoying meaningful conversations that create consults and leave you fulfilled.
- Have the ability to change the trajectory of another person's life by getting them to open up to you in ways they never have with another human being.
- Have 100% self belief and confidence to keep your business viable.
You have what it takes. This really can be your reality. I'll help you get there.
I want to be that person!Here's what it's meant to others...

Kate B., M.Ed.
Coach, Trainer, Instructor
The Connection Factor provides a clear and simple process to draw others into connection with us- at any time, in any place, and to provide an abundance of potential clients seemingly out of thin air. Anyone can use the skills and Gretchen gives lots of personal examples to show how it's done. I have used the skills taught and have 4 new potential clients in the last week alone!

Dr. Sujin L.
Physician Entrepreneur Coach
I knew there were certain factors that bring more attention from people in a conversation. Your course explained why those connections happen and how we can use that combined with the Self Coaching Model to have meaningful connection with our clients.

By the end of The Connection Factor you'll be:
- Able to recognize where strangers are on their Customer Journey
- Always know what to say to connect with them naturally
- Instantly establish trust and credibility
- Have the skills to confidently guide strangers to want a consult with you
Let's take a look at what's inside
Module 1: The Customer Journey
Avoid the 5 biggest mistakes when extending an offer for a consult. When you understand the psychology behind a customer's journey, you'll know the exact way to respond and the perfect timing for making an offer.
Module 2: Repurposing Journals
& Experiments
Establish instant trust and credibility by being courageously vulnerable. All of the self growth you've done is about to payoff in a new way. We'll go over the exact self coaching model and experiment templates to curate your library of stories.
Module 3: Connect & Guide
It's time to make some magic. Strangers will think you're either a mind reader or a gift sent from heaven. The reality is you've learned a unique technique. Learn the step by step instructions to connect and guide them to want a consult.
Module 4: Calm Your Mind about "The How"
Resolve 2 of the biggest "How" obstacles that keep you at home with your stomach in knots. "How to find clients" and "How will I help them?" doesn't need to be an elephant on your chest. Practical planning with these guidelines will give you a sigh of relief.
Module 5: Right Time,
Right Person
Quality over quantity. Your time is incredibly valuable. Just because you can offer a consult, doesn't mean you should. Use this assessment to determine ready, willing, able AND best fit. A little psychology goes a long way.
Module 6: Being Prepapred
Overwhelm and missed opportunities are optional. Get tips and tricks to help you prepare. On your low energy days (because we all have them), you'll be grateful you put a few things in place to keep your business moving forward.
* PLUS *
I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you get in the arena & build your skill.

Bonus 1
30 Day Client Connection Challenge Journal
Get intentional and reflective before and after each conversation. This journal provides 1 specially designed sheet for each day of your challenge. Specific prompts help you know what to evaluate in your approach and how to adjust next time.

Bonus 2
Create Your Personal Library
The secret to connecting is using self coaching models and experiments from your own journey. Inside you'll find all the templates and training to bring your stories together. You'll then have everything you need to keep connecting with your most effective stories.

Here's what's included in
The Connection Factor

With this program you'll get:
1. Instant Access Course
2. Observation & Action workbook
3. Accountability Exercises
BONUS! 30 day Client Connection Challenge
BONUS! Personalized Library of your Self Coaching Models and Experiments

I've Still Got Questions
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