The month of May has seen an unprecented amount of gun violence. These tragedies effect all of us in different ways, even if we were not directly impacted. I care about you and your wellbeing. I'm making myself available to you during the next two weeks. Come have a compassionate, judgement free space to express your feelings.
NOTE: Please only sign up for 1 session so everyone gets a chance to have support.
There are millions of people in the United States and billions throughout the whole world experiencing an emotional crisis.
It's been a rough couple of weeks, even a rough month, with everything that's been happening in the United States. I want to address this because I know how painful it is for everybody that sees the gun violence unfolding.
I really believe that we all have the capability to contribute to the solution to this problem by developing human connections. Creating safe and vulnerable spaces for other people in our lives, even strangers, can have an enormous butterfly effect of healing and make a greater impact than we even intended.
It’s not always the easiest things to do, you may not have the right words to say, but connection is a great place to start. I'm here to teach you how.
In this episode, we talk about:
Time Stamps:
05:24] Human Connection steps - Knowing how to connect with others in distress may not come naturally to you. The traditional marketing steps of the Customer Journey provides a great framework to compassionately connect.
[06:56] Connecting At Their Pain Level - At the core, every human needs love and to feel important. Sharing your time to acknowledge and validate their pain with empathy can change everything.
[11:09] Creating Space for Vulnerability - The quickest way to de-escalate strong emotions is to express them safely. Explore these tips for one of the simplest ways you can make a difference.
[12:20] Problem Aware - Frustration is at an all time high when we feel powerless to create needed change. Help others reclaim their power to problem solve by sharing your stories of becoming aware of the real problem. Learn this one gentle technique to builds trust and rapport.
[15:21] Being Part of the Solution - Connecting people to the right solutions can be tricky sometimes. Don't forget to think about the barriers to entry. Listen to how others' solutions actually caused more pain during one of the worst emotional times for me.
[16:44] Important Note of Caution - You can't keep helping people if you get hurt in the process. Consider these few things and plan safely.
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