You are listening to My Freedom Grove podcast with Gretchen Hernandez, episode 101.
Welcome to My Freedom Grove podcast. The all inclusive podcast that teaches mindset and business tools. We'll help you rise as your authentic self. Be unshakable with your emotional freedom and unstoppable in achieving any goal and living your purpose. I'm your host, Gretchen Hernandez. If you want to put your mental health first in life, relationships and business, you've come to the right place.
Hi, my strong friends! Hey, it's always so fun when I'm coaching people and I start to see themes show up. It's so funny how it can happen all in the same week that multiple people all have the same theme showing up in their business, or if they're an employee, that it's showing up as an employee also. So I've had four conversations using the same tool, the same concept because I had four different people all struggling with the same thing.
That means it's time to do a special episode because if there's four people that I'm working with that are experiencing this, I know that it's amplified out in the world.
So many of us overcompensate in our processes because somebody else didn't do the thing they were supposed to do. Have you ever had that happen to you? Have you ever been at work and you find yourself working harder than other people? Or other people are giving you things late, and so now all of a sudden your schedule has flex and bend and do a bunch of stuff so that you can do heroics. So that you're still getting that deliverable out the door on time.
If you're a business owner, have you ever found yourself over processing doing way more than you're supposed to because somebody else didn't think that what they had was gonna be enough for their needs? Yet, they only paid for one part, but now they realize they need a whole lot more in order to be successful. And now as a business owner, you're going way above and beyond, and then you start to feel a little burnt out.
You know what I'm talking about!
You guys are spending way too many hours on your process. You already know that the thing that you do should only take so many hours. You've done it lots of times, you're an expert in it. But now you're doing it at different times of the day or you're waiting for something and you didn't have it. So now all of a sudden, it's your regular personal time, and you're putting your personal stuff off so that you can do work stuff because you didn't have what you needed on time.
If you're someone that is starting a business, so you have like a daytime job, and then you're working on creating a business at night. Have you found that your business is taking a lot longer to build because you're having to do your regular daytime job at nighttime when you'd normally be doing your business stuff? Yeah, that was me too.
Back before I made the leap to go full-time into my business. That's part of why I chose to take the leap to go full-time in my business is because I had spillage happening. My regular day job would require a lot of extra processing or doing things at different times to compensate. And therefore, all of the things that were most important to me were now getting put on the back burner. And let's not even talk about all of the family stuff that you have to miss because now work is taking a priority, and those things that you're supposed to be doing during your regular hours that you already had planned. Now you're doing it instead of spending time with your family.
One of the metrics I used to have teams track when I worked in corporate was their engagement. So they actually had like this happiness wheel on when they felt really good when they felt kind of, eh, and then when they were not happy. And then we would write out what are the obstacles? And it was really interesting to see that this overcompensating happened quite a bit and engagement drops. People want to quit their job or there's people that they don't wanna work with anymore.
Some of the clients that I was talking with this week, they're thinking I don't wanna work with these types of customers. I'm only gonna work with customers that can behave correctly. That can give me all of their stuff on time. And you know, there's a lot of people in this world that are, as I call it a hot mess.
I know because there's times I'm a hot mess. All of us are a hot mess at some time. So if you were to think about this in all of the people that you work with, whether it's a coworker or a boss or an employee or a customer or a client, if you're an entrepreneur. If you were to cut out all of the hot messes in the world and say, no, I'm not gonna work with them. How many people would you really have left to work with? Not a whole lot.
Humans are kind of a hot mess. Imagine what it can be for you. If everybody was doing the things that they're supposed to do at the time that they're supposed to do it, including you. You'd be able to work with anybody. If you knew how to train people and everything is running smoothly. Like there's no regret, there's no remorse, there's no stressing out. It's just everybody enjoying each other, everybody doing the part that they're supposed to do.
I'm gonna teach you two different tools that will help you to understand the why and the how, and then a technique for helping you to manage how you deal with other people's reactions. Because training people, or even letting them know that they're not doing their part right, can be really, really uncomfortable. So I'm gonna give you a technique for how you can get comfortable with this because it's really important that we're able to train everybody on how to do their part so everything runs smoothly. It ends up having a peaceful process for everybody. Okay?
The two tools that I'm gonna teach you today, the first one is the ABC model. This is a cognitive behavior model. That explains how all humans and even living beings learn. And then the business tool called SIPOC and I'll get into what the letters for SIPOC mean. This is all about the handoffs between the different people in a process.
And then of course, we're gonna get into that technique. I'm gonna call it reaction freedom so that you're able to handle teaching other people how to do this stuff.
The ABC model is a way that all humans learn their behavior.
And then there's the neutral ones where you exhibit your behavior, and it seems like you didn't really get any feedback one way or another. So, you're in that kind of gray area. Like, well, I guess it's okay, nothing went wrong, but nothing went right either. So you're kind of guessing.
One thing to note with the ABC model, it's definitely the way that we're intended to learn. As long as there's a negative consequence, then we're learning that our behavior isn't correct. But there's times where we're resisting it. Where we don't like the negative consequence. And we have feeling about those negative consequences.
And we might even react from those negative consequences. When we have those reactions to the negative consequences, sometimes that interferes in somebody else's ABC model on how they're learning their behaviors. That comes into play a lot when it comes to processes where there's multiple people. Because if somebody has a negative reaction to getting feedback about their behavior, the person who's giving that they might see that as their own negative consequences for speaking up about somebody's behavior.
Then they learn that they shouldn't speak up because of the other person's reaction or they learn well, I'll just overcompensate, so I don't have to deal with the other person's reaction. That's where it gets messy. Because as soon as we start to interpret somebody else's negative reaction as a negative consequence for our correct behavior, things get outta whack. Then we have the wrong person's behavior getting changed.
That's where having the SIPOC tool comes in really handy for creating neutral processes, where everybody knows exactly what they're supposed to be doing and where the consequences are placed correctly. So that the right behavior is adjusted. So let's get into tool number two, that's the SIPOC. So SIPOC stands for.
So, if you're sitting down at a desk, I'd highly encourage you to take out a piece of paper, go ahead and pause the podcast for right now so you can grab a piece of paper, something to write with so that you can draw this out. It's a simple tool. So you don't necessarily need to have a template. You could even do this on a dry erase board if you have it.
So I would have you write out seven different column. The first one is Supplier.
The next one is Input. And then the next one is input requirements. So these are what makes the input good? When is it due? What's the quality of it what's needed? Who does it need to be done by?
And then you have the Process. So you are the process owner in this it's, whatever it is, that's your part that you are supposed to be doing. That is what this column is all about. Your process and how long it takes you to do your process.
The next column is going to be Output Requirements. This is what exactly is the output? What does it look like at the end? When is it due? What's the quality that's needed? What are those specific aspects?
Your next column is Output like the actual thing. What is the actual thing?
And then the final column is your Customer.
When you're thinking about any process where you have multiple people, it always falls into this SIPOC drawing. Your supplier, may at times, also be your customer. And in fact, with two out of the four people that I talked to this last week, that was exactly what it is. The supplier was also their customer.
So write down who is your supplier, and now we're gonna get really specific as to the input. What input do you need from this other person? What does it look like? What format do you get that input in? What's the due date for that? So if you're thinking about the whole process end-to-end in order for you to get your output done on time, you need a certain amount of time for your processing. Which means you need your input by a certain due date. What is that due date? What are the important input pieces of information? What's the quality that's needed for those write all of that down in your input requirements.
So at this point, you'd have your supplier name written down. You'd have your input under the input column of what is that input? What does it look like? And then what are the requirements.
Now we're thinking about your process itself? What is your process? And that's a lot of the work that I do with my clients is we're flushing out the details of what their process is all the way down to the nitty-gritty. But also think how long does it take you to do that process? Have you figured out that duration, maybe you have different pieces of your process that have different durations.
So, if you have that documented, then we're gonna start thinking about the output. What is the output that your customer needs from you? So we're gonna jump over that output requirement column for just a second, write down in the output column. What actually is the output? What's the thing that deliverable that you give to them.
Now, jump back over to that output requirements. What's important about that output? Is there a due date? It is there certain quality aspects, like write those things down. Is there a format of that output? Is there communication requirements with that output? So, you'd write all of that down.
And then you have your customer labeled at the end. Who is your customer? And sometimes we might even get confused as to who our customer is. We might think it's one person when really it's somebody else.
When you get really clear about what your process is, then you can start to think about all of those times that you felt like you were overcompensating.
So look at your process. So the P right in the middle of your SIPOC, when do you usually do that work? Were times that you were doing that work at a different time. And why? If you look back to the input column, did you get your inputs when you were supposed to so that you could do the output on the day and the time that you already had it scheduled? And that might even bring something up for you.
Did you actually have your process scheduled on a specific day and time? Did you make enough time in your calendar to compensate for it? If you find that the supplier is not giving you the input, according to the due date, and that's usually what happens, what are you doing at that point? Do you already have decided in your mind that your process takes a certain amount of days and that now it just means that the due date is going to extend out by the same number of days that the input was late?
Or are you someone that decides, Nope, I'm gonna take one for the team. I will speed up my process or I'll do it at a different time, or I'll stop doing these other things that are super important for me so that I can do this for the team and we get it all done. And the outputs are still done by the due date.
So what I wanna offer is that if you are an entrepreneur, you have the option of charging a rush fee. If someone did not give you their input on time, but they're still requiring the same due date. You need to be compensated for your changes to your regular schedule to compensate for that. Being compensated as being a good person or a nice friend is not adequate compensation.
Because at the end of the day, when they look back on all of it, they're gonna be like, oh, she's such a great person, or he's such a great person. And you might feel that sense of pride for a while. But then when you look back at all of the opportunity costs that you had to experience. So opportunity cost, meaning the things that you had to give up in order to do that, it wasn't worth it.
If being called a good friend or a good person, there is no monetary compensation for that. And all of the other things that you had to give up in your business, those ones result in a monetary compensation. If you're trying to make a living in your business, you're not gonna be able to make your income if you're always being the nice person by overcompensating for somebody else not getting their inputs in on time or with the right quality.
The damage to your relationships isn't worth it. If you end up later on with problems with your kids not wanting anything to do with you as they grow up and they become adults, it might be because you didn't actually get to spend time with them and enjoy them. Or the time that you did have with them, you were all stressed out because you were overcompensating for somebody else in your business. So then when you finally have time to spend with your loved ones, now you're kind of cranky. You're stressed out or having a lot of anxiety.
If you're in a relationship, and now all of a sudden you're starting to have relationship problems. Can you pinpoint that it actually was because you weren't available for them? You were doing all of this work stuff, overcompensating for somebody else? Could be it's something to consider.
But it all comes back to this SIPOC. It's fixable. What needs to happen is that communication to the supplier of what the requirements are for their part. What exactly were they supposed to give you? When were they supposed to give it to you? What were all of the quality attributes of it?
And then having really healthy boundaries. That if they don't get it to you, now you already have decided ahead of time in your processes, how would handle late entries. Are you gonna say no to them and be prepared someone that is being told no to because they missed a deadline, they're gonna have an emotional reaction to it. That's not your responsibility. I know that's a hard one to hear. It's not your responsibility to make everybody else happy.
Your responsibility is to make sure that the process is working for everybody. Because when it is planned and predictable, everybody knows what to expect, and when people start to take responsibility for their own actions and their own feelings, everything starts to work better. And you get a lot of peace and harmony in your world.
It also goes back to the ABC model. If someone has not done the correct behavior, this is their lesson to learn.
And yeah, they don't have to be happy about it. They got a negative consequence. You're saying no to something because they didn't hit a due date, or they didn't give you the right thing. But we have to love these people. I know that's gonna be a big turnaround because oftentimes we're kind of a little irritated by people maybe even ticked off. We don't wanna deal with them, but if we can look at it from a nurturing perspective, we're helping them in their self-development growth. That, yeah, it sucks. We don't want them to have to have the consequence, but that's part of their learning process.
That's part of their ABC model so that they can go back and look to understand why were they not able to get their input in on time? What was it that they could change and how they were doing things so that they could get, they actually wanted. This is their learning process.
And when they can develop their brain that way they're gonna be so much more successful in life. And we want that for them. We always want what's best for the other people. But overcompensating for them, we are now taking away their learning opportunity. We are letting them pass out of having the negative consequence. They're never gonna learn, and this is going to affect them in all areas of their life. So we have to allow them to have that ABC model.
Let's look at the other side of this SIPOC model. Have you ever had customers that knew when the due date was going to be, here's the output that you're gonna to give here's the due date for it. And now all of a sudden they're asking for that to happen faster. And they might be having an emotional reaction to you saying no, but really your process, if you have a certain number of days or longer, maybe hours, maybe weeks, months, whatever, if that's what your process is, that's what your process is.
So they're now having some consequence based on their expectations of something else, like their wishes, but that wasn't what the agreement was. Now, if you weren't clear on the agreement, that's something else. Like that's something for you to look at your own process to see, have I made it very clear what the deliverables are when they can expect to receive it? If not, then you know that it's your process that needs to get tightened up a little bit.
Each person in this SIPOC model has an ABC model also attached to it. So there are metrics for each phase of it. Metrics are there to help teach us that either the process is working or the process isn't working or that the person who is executing the process, that something didn't work.
Metrics can be our friend. Metrics are just our measurements. It's either we got an input on time, or we didn't. It's either a red metric that we didn't, or a green that we did. Having some type of a display that shows these metrics is very helpful. A lot of times processes are not documented that way. We don't have any metrics to see is everything working in the process.
When you have these out and visible, then people know where something wasn't working and then they can start to examine what needs to get adjusted so that the metrics are green. We want everything to be working well because then life is peaceful and harmonious and people are having easy lives.
If you've ever been to a Starbucks, you might notice above their drive-thru window, that they have a little TV screen that shows the number of cars in the drive-thru. And some of the cars are green and some of the cars are red. The reason for this is they have a target for how long people should sit in that drive-thru. Like the longest that people should sit.
And some of the stores have a policy that if the car shows up to the window and their car was labeled red, that they stayed there for too long, they give you a free cup of coffee. Now that is the negative consequence for Starbucks. They're now eating a cost on something because they're trying to improve their quality.
They have an agreement that they've made based on customer feedback of what is an acceptable amount of time for people to stay there. And now they're looking at their own process to see how can we improve this so that people are actually coming through. So they have a goal of getting all green cars is coming through.
If you've ever gone to the DMV. And you've noticed that there's two separate lines that you have to wait in to get processed. One is to come in, to find out what are all of the inputs that are required. And then the next one is once you have all of your inputs, correct, now you can go to the next process. It might be frustrating to you as the supplier in that process, you're also the end-customer, but this is because the DMV experienced a lot of people not bringing in the right quality of inputs. So, they had to implement some other steps along the way.
When I was still working at Genentech in one group, they were experiencing getting a lot of the inputs in late or without the right quality, and they had their metric in the wrong place. They had their metric of, they were able to process all requests within three days.
Now that sounds great and admirable, but what they were missing was a metric for inputs being correct and on time. They were taking in all sorts of bad input and then doing heroics to be able to process it in three days. But they were having a huge amount of overcompensation. Their engagement was falling. People were wanting to quit because it was so hard to process everything because they had to do a bunch of overcompensating.
I had them create a visual board that showed all of the inputs that were coming in. And then a percentage of them had actually met the criteria, and then a percentage of the ones that didn't. And then having them implement a process where they would kick back any of those inputs that were not correct.
Now, that was a hard sale because this was a group of people that were experts in their fields. They had huge hearts. They loved to help people, but this was for their own mental health, their own wellbeing, and for their processes to work smoothly. They also had more work coming on them and they didn't know how they'd be able to handle all that work. Well, they had to stop overcompensating and doing other people's work for them.
Convincing them to put in this other metric, put the responsibility where it really lied was really important. It also acted as a communication device. A neutral communication device to let other people know that they had not done their part correctly. And this ended up being fantastic because a lot of the suppliers didn't know that they weren't doing it right. No one had ever told them that goes back to the ABC model. If you do a behavior and your consequence is neutral, you're never gonna know that your behavior was not correct.
When people were able to look at these neutral metrics and see that they had not met the requirement, all of a sudden they had the consequence put in. Now it doesn't mean that it has to be a harsh consequence. It was a negative consequence still that they'd see that it stopped, that their input would not proceed to the next step. They saw that it was red. It's indicating nope, that didn't work. Now. They know that they needed to go back to their behavior, which was their input, how they had processed their input and learn from it.
And they had to get better at what they were doing. They had to educate themselves. They had to get developed. And then once they did, everything was flowing through so much smoother. Now. Yeah. There's an adjustment period where before all of the overcompensating was happening. So it seemed like the process was working great, but we know that it really wasn't.
Once that metric was put in place, the process really seemed like it wasn't working for a while. The red metric was there. It was a big percentage. Things slowed down like outputs weren't happening when customers wanted it. But that's usually because they were the supplier. So, if they really wanted their outputs by the due date, they really had to learn how to do their part correctly.
Meanwhile, the people in the middle that would usually overcompensate, they had to get comfortable with being uncomfortable at not overcompensating. And that's a hard one to get used to. So, that's where the mindset work comes in of loving the other people enough that you want to develop them. You want to help them to be successful in life. Within in matter of a few weeks, everybody had learned all of their new skills and now all of the input was coming in, correct, and on time.
And the people that had to process that input, now they could do their regular process during their regular business hours and time with the right level of effort. And all of the output was happening exactly when it was supposed to happen.
Everybody had the right level of work. Everybody was doing the right responsibility. And the engagement was there. People were happy. They were calm. There was no resentment between the suppliers, the process owners, and the customers. Everything was working smooth and like clockwork. And that's possible for you too, in your business.
And that's where we come to that final technique. I talked about reaction, freedom. So other people are going to react to consequences. Nobody likes to get negative consequences, no one ever.
When you have to communicate to somebody else that they didn't get their part right, usually the reason why people won't do this, why they won't do that communication is because they're scared of the other person's reaction. They're thinking that person's gonna be mad at me, or they're gonna go off the rails and they're gonna start blaming everybody.
And that's quite possible because that's a psychological defense mechanism. When people are shown that they didn't meet their responsibility, they are feeling that negative consequence. They don't wanna feel it. So they start blaming everybody else. That's just what their defense mechanism is. We have to be able to get comfortable with seeing their reaction as just a reaction to negative consequences.
And that it doesn't mean anything about you. It doesn't mean that someone's gonna hit you. It doesn't mean that they're gonna break your stuff. It doesn't mean that you're gonna get fired. It doesn't mean that they're not gonna hire you again. This is just their reaction. This is part of their learning process.
It's just like a toddler. That's like two, three years old. And they want to have a whole bag of cookies for dinner. Well, who wouldn't wanna have a bag of cookies for dinner, right? And so then when you take that away from them, they see it as a negative consequence and they have a little tantrum and they're so mad at the person who took away their cookies.
Well, it's similar to grown adults that are having a temper tantrum by hearing a negative consequence. So they're getting feedback that whatever part they did, it didn't hit the requirements. Well, they just want you to do the thing for them. They want you to give them the bag of cookies. They like cookies. But we care about them, and we want to help them to learn.
So how can you start to change how you are interpreting their reaction? That's what reaction freedom is all about is acknowledging and seeing that somebody else is just reacting to a negative consequence and that we have the ability with our own mind to retrain ourselves on how we're interpreting their reaction.
If we're interpreting their reaction as meaning something about us or that we're not safe, we are going to immediately turn around and start overcompensating and not letting them have their consequence. We will shift the consequence onto us, so long as they calm down and they're peaceful. And they're nice to you. Okay.
So how do you do this? How do you get reaction freedom? Well, it comes down to being very specific about what you are seeing.
Red Face
You are seeing somebody that might have a red face. Okay. Does a red face hurt you? No. I know you're gonna interpret. You're gonna have a thought about a red face, but really it's just a red face. Can a red face hurt you? No, not really. It's a face out there that's red. It's just like someone who has a sunburn. They're walking along the beach with their face sunburn that red face does not hurt you.
A person in this circumstance where they didn't get what they wanted, they have a red face too.
Painful Words
The next thing are the words that they're saying. It's so easy to listen to their words, hear all of those thoughts. And we unconsciously are agreeing with those thoughts because we're paying so much attention to the exact words that people are saying.
When you can just see it as words coming out of their mouth as a reaction and not actually focus in on the words that are being said, I know that sounds counterintuitive. like we wanna be empathic. We wanna listen to other people's problem statements that they're sharing with us. We wanna help people. But when we can recognize that someone is reacting to a consequence, we can give ourselves a pause on the empathic listening, and we can allow someone to just react. Just say random words. And we don't have to necessarily pay attention to the words themselves.
That person is basically feeling pain for the consequence. So if you think about pain showing up in someone's body as poison, they need to vomit that poison out of their body so that it doesn't hurt so bad. So it doesn't destroy their body. So if we can see whatever words they're saying, as them just trying to get the pain out of their body, we can invite them to do that. But to throw up those words onto the ground, not onto us.
We can even show empathy for them that they're feeling pain. We don't want them to feel pain. Like that really sucks. We can love on that person, even though they're throwing up all of their pain poison onto the ground. Just make sure that you don't think that that poison needs to come into your body because it doesn't. Their pain does not have to be your pain. The whole thing is they're just trying to get the pain out of their body so that they can handle life for a minute.
So allow them to. Allow them to let that pain spill all over the ground. The ground can take it. You're just observing. And it means nothing about you. It just means that they're experiencing pain and they're trying to get the pain out of their body.
Tone of Voice
The next thing could be the tone of their voice or the volume of their voice. Well, tone of voice can be an interpretation. So, however, they're doing it a lot of times where think, oh my gosh, they're mad at me. I did something wrong. Again, that's where knowing that ABC model is very important.
Is this their lesson that they need to learn? And we know, of course, they're gonna react to a negative consequence, but as soon as you forget about that, you're like, oh, their tone of voice. You're making it mean that it's a lesson you need to learn. So anchor yourself on that ABC model, whose lesson was it really to learn in that moment?
That tone of voice now can be anything you want it to be. It doesn't have to be scary. It doesn't have to be anything that said you did anything wrong. You can even make it humorous for yourself. Like you can think about that tone and think about like different cartoon characters that you've heard over the years, or that maybe it sounds like a certain car horn or a car alarm or something.
It doesn't have to be anything scary. It's just a tone of voice. Just like all of the different musical instruments that are out in the world when they get played, they exhibit certain tones. And sometimes it's high tones. Sometimes it's low tones. None of those tones hurt. You means sometimes it can hurt the ears, just like the vibration of that tone and the volume can hurt your ears. But that doesn't mean that it means anything about you. It doesn't mean that you did something wrong. It doesn't mean that there's something wrong in your process.
So look at your SIPOC and whose piece of it was it? Whose responsibility? The ABC model, they have to learn. Whatever that tone is or whatever, it's just their reaction. They can have that reaction to negative consequence. That's okay. So find some other way to think about the tone so that it means nothing. Or it's funny. You can let it mean anything you want it to mean.
One of the techniques that I like to use a lot is the alien that comes down from outer space and is looking into the window. So you imagine that you and the other person are in a room and it has a huge plate glass window. What is it that the alien sees? And they might see a person that has a red face. Maybe there's a little crinkly brow. Maybe they hear tones, they hear volume. They don't understand the words or just words. It's just stuff, you know, coming outta somebody's body. It's just noise. The alien doesn't get upset because the alien is not thinking all of these other things. The alien doesn't make any of those things mean something about the alien. It's just observing because it doesn't know any different.
Even like when we look down at ants. It's almost like we're the aliens to the ants. We don't know all of the drama happening in the ant world. We just see one ant and their actions with another ant.
So you can interpret things however you want. It can be completely neutral. So when you can make other people's reactions to first recognize that they're just having a reaction to a negative consequence. And then making it not mean anything about you. Making it mean something neutral, or just allowing it to exist without you reacting to it, you're going to have reaction freedom.
Those are the three things that I wanted to cover with you today. Hopefully, this is going to help you in all of your processing, whether you're at work or within your own businesses.
The ABC model, we're gonna help people learn and know that they're gonna react to negative consequences. And that's okay. It's part of the learning process.
The SIPOC so that we can see really who's responsible for what piece of a process when we have multiple people involved.
And then what kind of metrics could you either communicate or display so that people can see when their part wasn't working.
And then your reaction freedom of how to recognize other people are just reacting from their learning experience and how can you neutralize that for yourself so that you can allow them to have that reaction?
My friend, if you're having any kind of struggles at work or within your business, with your processes or with other people involved in those processes, you know I'm here for you. You can always schedule time for us to talk. You can go to my Go to the consult page. There's a schedule there. You can book a time for us to talk.
I would love to help you out and get you to have nice peaceful processes where you're doing the right amount of work that you're supposed to do during your regular times. Not overcompensating. Not giving up your life or giving up your dreams because the process isn't working, I am there for you. Contact me when you need me, have a great week. I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye!
Thank you for listening to My Freedom Grove Podcast. I can't wait to work with you directly. I'll help you to be your authentic self, to have amazing relationships, and to live your purpose. I invite you to check out Unshakable Men and Unshakable Women. The unshakable programs will give you all of the tools, coaching, and the community to help you rise in life, relationships, and business. To learn more, go to my I can't wait to see you there.
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