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Episode #35 Regain Composure with Mindset Management

August 18, 2020


When you’re facing your emotional flare gun when a problem arises, think about this. How long would you allow a pain point to go on, and how much damage could it cause in your life instead of just resolving it?

This episode is a follow-up from setting the stage for having a growth mindset in episode 34. We used James Anderson’s Mindset Continuum Tool for mindset management and identified some of our fixed mindset thoughts which causes discomfort. Now it’s time to start working our way to high-growth thoughts so that we can start feeling better. This is how we can get there.


In this episode, we talk about:

  • James Anderson’s Mindset Continuum Tool from last week’s episode
  • the five steps to get going with a growth mindset
    • Step 1: Recognizing You're Having A Pain Point
    • Step 2: Diagnosing That Pain Point
    • Step 3: Evaluating Your Pain Point
    • Step 4: Shop And Swap Your Different Thoughts
    • Step 5: Collecting Evidence
  • Brooke Castillo’s coaching model
  • applying a growth mindset in relationships
  • applying a growth mindset to self-confidence
  • applying a growth mindset in business


Time Stamps:

[01:49] Recapping Part One: Remember these eight different categories that we talked about in last week’s episode?

[03:55] 5 Steps to Get Going with a Growth Mindset: Once you’ve decided to want to work on having a growth mindset, here’s how you actually get going.

[04:28] Facing Your Emotional Flare Gun: Think of this analogy for any time you're facing your emotional flare gun. I reference this analogy through the examples in this episode.


[07:15] Applying a Growth Mindset to Your Relationships: We’re applying the five steps if something in your relationship is not working out. I’m giving specific examples on shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

[07:33] Step One Recognize in Your Relationships

[09:40] Step Two Diagnose in Your Relationships

[12:03] Step Three Evaluate in Your Relationships

[16:27] Step Four Shop and Swap in Your Relationships

[21:22] Step Five Looking For Evidence in Your Relationships


[22:20] Applying a Growth Mindset to Self-Confidence: This one is so tough! I know I’m not the only one who struggles with social anxiety. I’m sharing ideas on how to actively work on developing strategies for more effective effort.

[23:49] Step One Recognize in Self-Confidence

[24:09] Step Two Diagnose in Self-Confidence

[24:29] Step Three Evaluate in Self-Confidence

[26:49] Step Four Shop and Swap in Self-Confidence

[34:39] Step Five Collect Evidence in Self-Confidence


[34:50] Applying a Growth Mindset in Business: Let’s say you have tasks that are not going to get done by the due date. Here’s how I’d use the five steps to get to a growth mindset in this business scenario.

[35:05] Step One Recognize in Business

[36:43] Step Two Diagnose in Business

[37:38] Step Three Evaluate in Business

[41:01] Step Four Shop and Swap in Business

[43:45] Step Five Collect Evidence in Business


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