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Episode #33 Coming Out of the Darkness of Depression

Gretchen's Journey
August 4, 2020

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I thought I was doomed to live with depression and anxiety my whole life.  My coping mechanisms and medication were backfiring.  Sure, I was a strong, successful person.  I handled everything that came my way.  But, it was just too hard.  Too heavy.  My life looked happy, but all I could see and feel was darkness.

With each decade of my life, I added on more coping mechanisms and health problems.

Why did life have to be so hard?  30 years of suffering, I was done. Fed up. Ready to let go.

I made one last small question to the universe.  Is there an easier way of living?

The answer was yes. Clues were revealed to me. I learned and implemented. I evolved into a different version of me.  It worked.

An easier life without suffering...or a least a whole lot less suffering.  This is my journey.

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Links Mentioned in this Episode

First 3 Steps to Stop Depression 

Big Life Journal - Growth Mindset for Kids

Mindset - the new psychology of success by Carol Dweck, Ph.D.

If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight - Brooke Castillo

The Life Coach School - Self Coaching Scholars

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